PDL is an excellent Perl module for anyone seeking to do any
type of numerical computing that involves matrix math. As an illustration of this, let’s take a look
at a PDL implementation of a simple encryption algorithm that uses matrix math,
the Hill Cipher. As a starting point, the
Hill Cipher assigns each letter in the alphabet a numerical value (e.g. a=0,
b=1, c=2, … z=25). The cipher works by
taking n plain text letters and converting them to their numeric representation. In the example code a n of 3 is used. We will refer to this set of numerically represented
plain text letters as P. It then takes an nXn matrix, which is used as an encryption
key (K), and performs the following matrix math operation to yield the
numerical representation of n cipher text letters (C).
C=P x K mod 26
If you look at the Perl code below, notice how easy PDL
makes this operation. There is no need
to loop through the elements of an array and perform mathematical operations on
each element. One can simply process
entire matrices as a single entity and as such this is one of the features that
makes PDL such a huge asset to anyone that performs numerical computing in
The reverse of this process is performed by taking the
inverse matrix (K1) and performing the following math operation:
P=C x K1 mod 26
As a means of testing the example code, a known set of values
from the book “Cryptography and Network Security” by William Stallings are used. If run as is, the sample code should result
in the cipher text RRLMWBKASPDH after encryption and the decryption should
return the original plain text value.
use PDL;
use strict;
use warnings;
my @letters = ('a'..'z');
my (%encoding,%encoding2);
my $i=0;
foreach my $letter (@letters){
my $plaintext='paymoremoney'; #length=multiple of 3
my $ciphertext='';
#encryption key
my $k = pdl [[17,17,5],[21,18,21],[2,2,19]];
my $x=$encoding{$1};
my $y=$encoding{$2};
my $z=$encoding{$3};
my $p= pdl [$x,$y,$z];
my $c= $p x $k % 26;
foreach (0 .. $c->nelem-1){
my $j=$c->flat->index($_);
print uc($ciphertext)."\n\n";
#inverse matrix
#hardcoded and not computed to simplify example code
my $k1= pdl [[4,9,15],[15,17,6],[24,0,17]];
my $x=$encoding{$1};
my $y=$encoding{$2};
my $z=$encoding{$3};
my $c= pdl [$x,$y,$z];
my $p= $c x $k1 % 26;
foreach (0 .. $p->nelem-1){
my $j=$p->flat->index($_);
print $plaintext;
use PDL;
use strict;
use warnings;
my @letters = ('a'..'z');
my (%encoding,%encoding2);
my $i=0;
foreach my $letter (@letters){
my $plaintext='paymoremoney'; #length=multiple of 3
my $ciphertext='';
#encryption key
my $k = pdl [[17,17,5],[21,18,21],[2,2,19]];
my $x=$encoding{$1};
my $y=$encoding{$2};
my $z=$encoding{$3};
my $p= pdl [$x,$y,$z];
my $c= $p x $k % 26;
foreach (0 .. $c->nelem-1){
my $j=$c->flat->index($_);
print uc($ciphertext)."\n\n";
#inverse matrix
#hardcoded and not computed to simplify example code
my $k1= pdl [[4,9,15],[15,17,6],[24,0,17]];
my $x=$encoding{$1};
my $y=$encoding{$2};
my $z=$encoding{$3};
my $c= pdl [$x,$y,$z];
my $p= $c x $k1 % 26;
foreach (0 .. $p->nelem-1){
my $j=$p->flat->index($_);
print $plaintext;
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